Android Ice Cream Sandwich Ported to HTC Thunderbolt

Google’s next version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0, isn’t set to hit smartphones for quite some time. Luckily, the hacking community has been known to take matters into their own hands and already we’ve seen many different ports. The latest port to hit the streets focuses on none other than the LTE enabled HTC Thunderbolt for Verizon Wireless.

According to our sources the deed was done by an enterprising developer with the handle Jdkoreclipse. Unfortunately, the port is very rough as of now and by rough we mean the touchscreen has yet to be enabled. Luckily, development is ongoing and there is sure to be a working ICS ROM for the HTC Thunderbolt quite soon. Furthermore, in the coming days/weeks we are sure to see a whole slew of similar ports for smartphones across the board


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