LG VS910 Revolotion Mobile

Android™ 2.2, 4G LTE Capable, HDMI® Output and SmartShare, Preloaded Netflix, 720p HD Video Recording and Playback, Front-Facing Camera for Video Calls, 4G Mobile Hotspot
Technology isn’t just how I get my entertainment, it is my entertainment. That’s why I must have the most innovative device. Revolution by LG is a major wow-machine. Superior speed is found when the 1GHz Snapdragon™ Processor and LG’s 4G LTE chipset combine with Verizon’s 4G LTE Network. This power-trio makes it possible to download movies and games in seconds, watch the latest TV shows and movies on Netflix shoot HD videos and share them instantly, seamlessly multitask and browse the web. Honestly, after one day with this device, you’ll see mobile technology in a whole new way

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