Today, I will talk about 2 concepts that I found “stunning”. One is a flexible cell phone and the other, a transparency PC tablet. Both will use the OLED technology, it seems that nothing can’t be done without it in the future.
What is about the Galaxy Skin ? A concept totally mad from Samsung, the idea is to design a smartphone that we can wrap around our wrist and to fold it as we wish. The mobile phone will have a display of 800x480 pixels, a memory of 16GO and a pico projector.
Moreover, it will be only 8 mm thick but the most important is its flexible OLED screen with the shape memory capacity. So no matter how we will fold it
because at the end, it will come back to its normal shape.
Many people will think that this kind of concept will never see the light but I just want to remind them that years ago, people said the same thing about the flexible keyboard and actually, there are a lot in the market.
The Iris is a transparent touchscreen tablet from Fujitsu. The concept is based on a bar that contains the operating system, the memory and the photo video sensor. Once we will put the bar in the middle, the screen will be split in 2; by this way, 2 people can use the same tablet and each one can use whatever he/she wants without disturbing the other. For example, I can play a game meanwhile my friend will update his blog.
Its other functionality is called increased reality. Now you may wonder what is it ??? It will allow to display in superimposed different kind of information in real time. To explain it better, imagine that you are walking on the street and you get lost, just hold your Iris in front of you and search the way to go to your destination, all the information will be showed directly on the screen.
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