iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak release countdown

If you are like most of other iPhone and iPad users, you are probably eager for a new solution which could jailbreak and perhaps even unlock your new A5 based device. And the best news since the beginning of this year is that it seems that we will have the jailbreak in a couple of days or even earlier!

This news has already being confirmed by iPhone Dev Team members on their blog. They have published a blog post about the Corona jailbreak for Apple’s A5 devices, which provides some interesting news about the upcoming jailbreak. Thanks to @pod2g and other members of both iPhone Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team, last obstacles have being worked out and the jailbreak is soon to be made available to iOS users worldwide. It seems that the new version of Corona jailbreak will be released in several different solutions. The reason for this is probably the intention of jailbreak developers to make it work for people in different situations and circumstances.

iPhone Dev Team will release the jailbreak in a command line mode, which probably wont become very popular. The logic behind this is that it will be easier for developers to solve any new bug appearing. In the next stage, the same jailbreak will be implemented into a new version of RedSn0w. As you all probably know, RedSn0w works on both PC and Mac platforms. On the other hand, Chronic Dev Teams release strategy is to release the jailbreak as a GUI (graphical user interface), which means basically an app which will work for both users on Mac OS X and users with Windows PC computers.

As you probably know this is the first time we will have a working jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2. Corona will work for iPhone 4S as well as for iPad 2. Supported firmware versions are iOS 5.0 and iOS 5.0.1. If you plan to get a carrier unlock for your iPhone 4S you must have iOS 5.0. on your device. You can follow our blog and we will notify you as soon as the Corona jailbreak hits the shelves!

Visit www.unlockediphone.info for other cool stuff.


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