iPhone 4S unlock close, do not update to 5.0.1 firmware!

Many rumors are claiming that it is necessary to update iOS version if you want to jailbreak as the jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 is close, according to reports from various jailbreak developers. Now a completely different claim is circulating in jailbreak world, claiming something different! If you want to unlock your iPhone 4s or iPad 2 you must stay away from the iOS 5.0.1 upgrade. It seems that users with earlier 5.0. firmware version, have much better chances for an unlock.

@MuscleNerd who is a prominent member of iPhone Dev Team, has said that the jailbreak for iOS 5.0 will be pushed out at the same time as the untethered jailbreak for 5.0.1. We know from previous experience, that it’s always better to keep your device on older baseband versions. Baseband version is also known as modem firmware, which ought to be as low as possible if you need the carrier unlock on your device.

So if you are an iPhone 4S user, or perhaps iPad 2 user and you need to unlock your device, you should downgrade your device right now, while it is still possible. Apple will probably stop firmware signing as soon as possible, in order to prevent users from downgrading and unlocking their devices. To downgrade your device, simply back up your data and restore it to iOS 5.0. Keep in mind: there is no guarantee that the unlock will indeed be available for iOS 5.0. Still, MuscleNerd has proved more than once that he and his group always deliver what they promised. So sit tight and get prepared for the next round of jailbreaking and unlocking!


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