Sony Launches Two Tablets of 3G in Japan

TOKYO - Sony launched two versions of the tablet to pelangganya in Japan. Sony Tablet P and 3G, both will be sold by Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo.

P and S tablet runs Android 3.2 Honeycomb operating system. This is the first step Honeycomb Sony in the marketplace, which will soon also be releasing versions of its mobile broadband in Japan.

Initially tablets S only has WiFi, but this time Sony released and combine with connections 3G.Demikian reported by Device Mag, Saturday (15 / 1 / 2011).

Tablet S is equipped with 9.4-inch TruBlack screen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels and a buil-in infrared port to control the television, as well as set-top box. The tablet is designed like a magazine that can be folded, so that users feel comfortable when holding it with one hand.

While the tablet P, equipped with 512 MB ​​of RAM and 4 GB of memory that can be upgraded, as well as the 3080 mAh battery. Same with S Tablets, Tablet P will also be equipped with a 3G connection.

Both of these tablets have a Playstation certification, which is DLNA certified and have access to Sony's music stores, video and e-book.

Sony's new tablets will be marketed in Japan on 28 October. Meanwhile, the launch of this tablet in the international market, so far no details.


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