Free Setting APPN-Proxy-and-Poet-in Phonsel Android

Setting APN, Proxy, and Port in HP Android - After reviewing my articles that exist in the Beginner category Gratisan, there is less bosses, ie Setting APN, Proxy, and Port on HP Android. Actually, from the beginning I wanted to share this article. But because there is no android phone that can be borrowed to practice this all, I was discouraged to post this article previously. But do not worry, because the admin has had to borrow android phone had a friend, now I will share how to create a new access point on android phone complete with a picture.
1. Go to Settings (Settings), and select Wireless & networks (Wireless & networks) which is usually located on the top option

2. Scroll down and select Mobile networks (mobile networks)

3. Select Access point names (access point name)

4. Setelah itu tekan tombol menu, lalu pilih New APN (APN Baru)

5. Nah, sekarang Anda masuk ke dalam inti postingan saya kali ini yaitu Cara Setting APN, Proxy, dan Port di HP Android

Anda cukup mengisi kolom-kolom berikut ini:

* Name (Nama): Terserah diisi apa, yang penting Anda ingat nama jalur aksesnya nanti
* APN: Isi sesuai dengan parameter trik internet gratis masing-masing operator
* Proxy (Proksi): Isi sesuai dengan parameter trik internet gratis masing-masing operator
* Port: Isi sesuai dengan parameter trik internet gratis masing-masing operator
* Tipe APN: pilih internet

6. Setelah selesai, tekan tombol menu lalu sentuh pilihan Save (Simpan) untuk menyimpan settingan, bila ingin membatalkan atau menghapus settingan, pilih Discard (Batal / lepaskan)

7. To activate or select the Android internet settings already made, you just need to touch (click) on the circle next to the name of your preferred APN. APN which is marked with a green circle.


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