Rumor: Nook Color 2 & Noble on November 7

There have been many different tablets to be released by manufacturers across the board. Despite this, Apple has maintained their lead in the market with the iPad dominating sales at every turn. But it seems that competitors may be finally cracking the code by releasing low-cost high-powered tablets – such as the Kindle Fire.

Now that the Kindle Fire is on its way featuring specs greater than the original Nook Color Barnes & Noble must act fast. It seems that they may be acting faster than we originally thought as rumors have surfaced today that say the company has completed work on the Nook Color 2 and will be making it available in store come November 7th. Seeing how its a direct competitor to the forthcoming Kindle Fire it would be safe to assume that it would feature things such as a dual-core processor and the like.

Is this to be believed? We aren’t quite sure but as always we’ll keep you posted.


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