Berniaga phonsel:Mobile, has become a tool komunikai most popular today, with users increasingly mushrooming. As a result, mobile phones are no longer considered a luxury sebagei. They are actively communicating with many people, usually choosing mobile phones to support their daily activities.
In the process, keep popping the latest mobile phone products that teknologonya increasingly sophisticated, there are dilengkapidengan digital cameras, even the future will show a video camera-equipped mobile phones. Certainly the price is exorbitant because it includes luxury goods.
They seemed not to care about, the warnings of scientists electronics for a long time that mobile phone radiation can harm humans.
There is a suspect radiaasinya can screw up brain cells, there is an accused can cause cancer, and other charges berbagei. Lurid allegations are based on the radiation power and influence of radio, particularly actively During a phone to talk.
However, these allegations were ignored as the user's mobile phone. Conversely increasing day mobile phone users grows. In fact there is such a new trend lately, communication with young parents who use handphone.have many children common, especially in large cities, elementary school children to and fro carrying a cell phone.
These facts invite the anxiety of scientists in developed countries. So bias allegations are true, if it eventually takes a lot of casualties from among the younger generation, it's certainly very in pity because, penelitoan influence of mobile phone radiation on the body continues to run.
Activity was also balanced with the public nature of the survey about the possibilit danger cellular telephone. Done by throwing the question. "Do you consider cellular telephone dangers for impact health? "
Surveying the results showed that 39% of mobile telephone users answered "Yes", 32% answered "no", and 29% answered "in doubt, but will reduce the use of mobile telephone".
So, conclusions still remains vague. Perhaps the safest way is to use the phones with caution. Do not be too often and avoid talking too long.
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