So you’ve been downloading and using tons of apps from the Android Marketplace. How about creating your own Android apps? You may be stumped by the complicated coding required to create Android apps. But not anymore. There is a way now to create Android Apps WITHOUT having to do any coding. This is achieved using special software – known as Droid Generator.
How Droid Generator Works.
Ok, I’d be lying if I say that you don’t need to know any coding. You really DO NOT need to know any Android special coding. But you do need to know some basic HTML. If you don’t, you should at least be able to use some HTML software to generate the pages.
This is useful because Droid Generator allows you to embed your HTML pages into your apps. It is a CONTENT BASED app, which means you can literally turn your blog, Twitter feed or Facebook Social Plugins into an app. Pretty cool huh?
Now you can actually look forward to promoting your app on Android Marketplace. The possibilities are endless – you can create how-to, tutorials, upload Youtube videos and all the content can be viewed via the app. You can even make money with it if you know how to create high quality content! Hint: You can embed Paypal buttons in it too!
Click on the image above to download :Android Market
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